The Ardross Primary School Board works in partnership with the Principal to shape and review our strategic directions and priorities. It assists in:
Developing & reviewing the school's Business Plan
Monitoring school performance
Reviewing & approving aspects of the school budget and charges
Establishing & reviewing the school's objectives, priorities and general policy directions
In addition, the School Board act as ambassadors and advocates for the school. It brings ideas, expertise and a community voice to support the Principal and strengthen our school's capacity to meet the needs of our students.
Ardross Primary School Board meets in Weeks 4 and 8 of each term. To view the minutes from the most recent meeting, please click here.
The School Board meetings for Semester One are scheduled for Wednesday 22nd February
Wednesday 22nd March
Wednesday 17th May
Wednesday 14th June
Ardross PS Board 2023
Chairperson: TBA
Principal: Sue Mikkelsen-Taylor
Secretary: TBA
Parent Representatives: Geoff Cooper, Lucy Dias, Jane Gibberd, Matt Snare, Jamie-Lee Cavill, Kelly Hallums
Staff Representatives: Denelle Ellery, Hannah Brown, Tarryn Fraser
To read the School Board Terms of Reference click on the link below:
Ardross PS School Board - Terms of Reference 2022
To read the School Board Code of Conduct click on the link below:
Code of Conduct School Board
To learn more about the role and function of our School Board click on the link below:
School councils and boards information