At Ardross Primary School we are committed to providing an inclusive, collaborative and dynamic environment where students are enriched with the values and skills to become active citizens; sensitive to the importance of sustainability and to our changing world.
We aim to accomplish this through:-
Teaching Quality
Strengthen and support our whole-school approach to quality teaching with a focus on shared beliefs, purposeful staff collaboration, differentiated quality teaching, and informed decision-making using quality data.
Learning Environment
Provide an inclusive and welcoming school environment where staff and students alike feel valued and supported in their work and learning.
Relationships and Partnerships
Provide a positive school climate with strong parent support and purposeful relationships with the community.
Ensure a focus on improved student performance through productive and supportive staff relationships facilitated by the
school leadership.
Develop leadership practices that support excellence, encourage and facilitate participation, and focus on creating a culture
of shared responsibility to improve our student outcomes and school performance.
Governance and Use of Resources
Ensure school resources – human, physical and financial – are strategically deployed
to support targeted school improvement and maximise student achievement.